Press releases are the power lifters of your profile

Press Releases

There is a specific formula that takes your ‘news’ from average to anabolic. 

That’s right,

I can make standard seem like it’s on steroids.

All it takes is good sources of information with the right dose of words to make it pop

Let me do the heavy lifting

Give me the ‘news’ you want put into a press release and access to some reliable sources and watch your news get pumped up.

The Press Release writing process:

  • You can send me details of your ‘news’ via email or on a 15-min phone call
  • I speak to sources and add weight to the words, crafting your press release
  • You review and allow for one round of edits if necessary
  • You review and submit to appropriate outlets


Nb: I understand the timely nature of press releases, so turnaround time is swift. Submission to news outlets is your responsibility, however if I have industry appropriate contacts I’m happy to submit.

What other types of health writing do you need?


The right dose of words delivered effectively...

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Press Releases

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